Did Your Son Just Get Charged With Drug Possession? What You Can Do To Help

Posted on: 29 August 2018


Being a parent is a joyous and wonderful thing, but if you have a grown child who has had some trouble with drugs and the law, then parenthood can certainly become very stressful. If you have a son who was recently charged with drug possession, you may not know what you can do to help them out which can make you feel helpless. This article will take a closer look at a few things that you can do to make your son's burden lighter. 

Get Them Out of Jail on Bail

If the judge posts bail for your child, try to do what you can financially to get them out. The longer your son sits in jail for, the harder this entire experience will be for them emotionally. If you are unable to afford the bail amount, contact a bail bondsman. A bail bondsman works by fronting you the money in exchange for some sort of collateral like the deed to your house, the deed to your car, or even some jewelry. 

Hire a Drug Possession Lawyer

Your son is going to need a lawyer to help them through the entire legal process. And although you can hire any attorney that specializes in criminal law, make sure that you hire one that specializes in drug possession. A drug possession attorney should have enough experience with drug charges, minimum mandatory requirements, and just the law in general. 


In some states, they may offer services like drug court which works to rehabilitate individuals who have drug issues and are facing criminal charges. If you live in a state that offers these services, then you should see if you can get your child into one or if their attorney can. Additionally, you can also look into rehabilitation programs that are either privately funded or funded by the government. Remember that by getting your child clean, you can help them to live a better and more full life. 

Having a kid who is in legal trouble and trouble with drugs can seem overwhelming and even isolating. Make sure that you surround yourself with a good support system and that you hire a drug possession lawyer to help you out. To learn more about all of the services that are available to you and your son, talk to your lawyer during a consolation and ask them about everything. From there, you can help create a plan to help get your son on a better path. 

For more information, contact a company like The Mitchell Law Firm.